Saturday, July 25, 2015

From Lerner to Nucatola, The Implosion of Liberalism Amidst Its "Success."

In recent years the United States of America has experienced the most dramatic cultural revolution since President Reagan reined in the free-for-all ever bloating big government, stood up to the soviet empire, and reestablished national pride. The current revolution started in 2012 and is now in over-drive but it is moving in the opposite direction. 

Reagan's revolution sought small government, strong international policies, and the establishment of traditional values. The current revolution is moving the country in the direction of big government, more spending, more dependency upon the state, and more state intrusion into private affairs, and weaker international stature. Present leaders seek the advancement and promotion of values that are contrary to the time honored and proven fundamental values of protection of life, marriage, and liberty. This is perhaps the largest expansion of liberalism that the Nation has seen in such a short period of time. It has been ostentatiously framed under the idea of evolvement and progress, is failing from the inside.

Lois Lerner, the IRS bureaucrat at the Cincinnati office under whose supervision, conservative non-profits were particularized and targeted with audits and unreasonable demands, has refused to answer Congressional inquiries. The case lingers in courts costing taxpayers substantial sums of money. Despite the absurdity of such wanton heavy-handedness by the state, Lerner's episode may have elicited, at the time it come out, a yawn and shrug from the White House. It now hangs in the back closet of the Nations conscience.

Lerner and IRS's ethical escapades were nothing compared to present times. The times, they are a changing indeed, as points of reference for ethical behavior are shifting. From Lerner to Benghazi and beyond, the list of absurdities continues to grow: the expansion of ISIS, failed international policies, misleading Health Care promises, curbs on religious freedom, a disastrously bad nuclear agreement with Iran, and the re-definition of marriage. The recent exposure of the practice of harvesting and sale of baby body parts by the Nation's biggest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, a company that enjoys full support of the White House, is just the latest in a string of scandals and failures that have elicited shock and disbelief from some and silence and denial from others.

Liberalism has successfully established itself in the psyche of part of the Nation through legislative heavy-handedness. In practical and functional terms though, it appears to be in full implosion mode. The liberal policies implemented in the last few years are failing because they were not well done and they lack ethical underpinnings. The disastrous failure of Obamacare launch is just an obvious example of a government unable to muster knowledgeable people to build something as simple as website. Incompetency, together with poor ethical standards is stamped across all the major liberal policies of recent years so magnanimously touted by liberal luminaries.

But why should we say that liberalism is successful? It is successful because it has indeed gained a huge portion of ground in the legal and political arenas with high visibility victories (health care, same sex marriage, the promotion of abortion, Iran Nuclear deal, and others) which are here to stay. The irony is that liberals do not seem to mind the catastrophic failures even when the evidence stares them in the face. The barbaric practice of selling baby organs and the casual manner in which a top director discusses the practice while chomping on salad and drinking wine, did apparently little to stir up indignation by a ever so silent (on this subject) White House leadership.

For those who respect the rule of law, high ethical standards, small government, and accountability to the American people, the social and political future does not look bright. A return to conservative values, respect for the individual, protection of life, preservation of religious freedom, will most likely not happen any time soon. If it does happen it will never be the same as before. Even if conservative leaders are elected, many of the liberal changes are well established both legally and culturally.

The continuation of practical and functional implosion of liberal policies however, seems inevitable. Take the most recent case of sale of baby body parts as an example. All the smooth talking and politicking cannot sustain such barbarism over a long period of time. That does not necessarily mean abortion is going to become illegal any time soon. Unfortunately and by all accounts, the legality of abortion is not under threat yet. But in practical terms, the disclosure of barbarism by the abortion industry will be difficult to justify on ethical grounds. Anything pro-choice will be automatically associated with sale of baby organs.

What is shaping up is a new American order (some may prefer to think in terms of a new American disorder) characterized by legally sanctioned dysfunctionalities. Morally failed movements such us the abortion culture, same-sex marriage, and restrictions of religious freedoms, will continue to fly large banners and enjoy the support of high profile individuals and organizations. On the inside though, and in functional terms neither one of these movements can sustain coherent continuity for the long haul because they lack a natural basis of support.

The new cultural order will be something different from classical liberalism and different from classical conservatism. The legality of institutionalized murder of the unborn, the redefinition of marriage, and the threats against individual freedoms will stay around for a while. They have changed and continue to change the foundations of common and time proven social values. Hopefully, as the inevitable functional failures of these practices and movements continue to surface, many will ponder their moral legitimacy.

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